Voter Registration
Make Your Voice Heard

In the U.S., just because you have the right to vote does not mean you can actually vote.
In order to vote in local, state and federal elections, a person must be registered to vote.
IBEW Local 613 strongly recommends all of our members become registered to vote and regularly vote in order to ensure you remain on the voter roll.
Georgia and Alabama, like other states, perform periodic voter roll purges, which remove inactive voters from the voter registration rolls.
Whenever a member moves or changes their name, we recommend you update your voter registration with your local Board of Elections. Additionally, if you receive any correspondence from your Board of Elections, please respond back. Doing so can keep you on the voter roll as well.
As a Local Union, we urge our union Brothers and Sisters to participate in the political process.
The first step in this process is to become registered to vote.
We also encourage you to make sure your family members are registered and vote regularly as well.
Doing so will help provide our union a powerful, strong and collective voice.
IBEW Local 613 encourages our members and their families to vote for candidates who are friendly to labor and support labor issues and other issues important to our industry.
Supporting those who support us helps Local 613 better advocate for important issues, which in turn, has the ability to positively affect our union.
The only way to ensure we have political influence is to have a membership, who is registered to vote and actually votes.
Check and see if you are registered to vote in the states of Georgia or Alabama (depending on residence).
If you want to register to vote or need to update your voter registration, click on one of the two links below. As you fill out the voter registration form, please be sure to fill out all fields correctly and accurately.