Local 613 Officers & Staff

Meet The Local’s Leadership

Most of the IBEW Local 613 leaders are elected by the membership to represent and work in the best interest of the entire Local.

Some of the positions below are appointed positions or staff members.

Please feel free to contact these individuals regarding any questions, concerns or other union-related issues.

Kenny Mullins
Kenny Mullins - Business Manager

Email: kennymullins@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 211

Fax: 404-589-1317

Kevin Swanson - President

Email: kevinswanson@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 215

Fax: 404-589-1317

Justin Upshaw - Vice President
Charles Ravenscraft
Charles Ravenscraft - Treasurer
Jeffrey Manning - Financial Secretary

Email: jeffmanning@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 221

Cell: 470-445-2809

Fax: 404-523-3236

Jodeki Cook - Asst. Business Manager

Email: jodekicook@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 230

Cell: 770-570-8974

Fax: 404-523-8057

Robby Evans
Robby Evans - Asst. Business Manager

Email: robbyevans@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 218

Cell: 770-570-8980

Fax: 404-524-5160

Mike Bell
Mike Bell - Asst. Business Manager

Email: mikebell@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 234

Cell: 770-570-8975

Fax: 404-523-8057

DeShawn Richardson - Assistant Business Manager

Email: deshawnrichardson@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107

Cell: 470-445-2857

Trey Cain - Assistant Business Manager

Email: treycain@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 232

Cell: 770-570-8981

stacey Warren
Stacey Warren - Assistant Business Manager

Email: staceywarren@ibew613.org

Cell: 470-869-9120

Manny Gonzalez - Membership Development Manager

Email: mannygonzalez@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 222

Cell: 470-445-2808

Nick Kosko - Dispatcher

Email: nickkosko@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 219

Cell: 770-570-8976

Fax: 404-577-6990

Note: Fax all re-signs to above

Lane Herring - Dispatcher (Columbus)

Email: laneherring@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 220

Cell: 470-464-6085

Fax: 404-577-6990

Nathanael McGhie - Bookkeeper

Email: nathanaelmcghie@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 216

Fax: 404-523-3236

Tonya Goodell
Tonya Goodell - Administrative Manager

Email: tonyagoodell@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 210

Cell: 770-570-8983

Fax: 404-589-1317


Email Employment Verifications to EmploymentVerification@ibew613.org.

Please expect a response within 24-48 hours.

Karen Jackson - Administrative Assistant

Email: karenjackson@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 214

Cell: 404-432-2332

Fax: 404-589-1317

Lorri Smith - Financial Secretary Assistant

Email: lorrismith@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 223

Cell: 770-570-8982

Fax: 404-523-8057

Randy Eubanks - Financial Secretary Assistant

Email: randyeubanks@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 237

Ron Nyberg - Chief of Staff

Email: ronnyberg@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107

Cell: 404-376-3120

Walt Peterson – Field Organizer

Email: waltpeteson@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 238

Cell: 470-351-7367

Chris Luedtke – Field Organizer

Email: chrisluedtke@ibew613.org

Phone: 404-523-8107 Ext. 227

Cell: 770-570-8977

Erik Schrum – Field Organizer

Email: erikschrum@ibew613.org

Cell: 770-570-8979